Young Veterinary Partnership Summer News 2020

25th June 2020

Summer BlogWe all love the summer weather – when it arrives! But how prepared are you and your pets? Our Summer News gives you some top tips to help beat the heat this Summer! Dogs can easily overheat – leading to heat stroke, understand the signs to watch our for in your dog HERE.

Caring for your senior feline.

Thanks to improved veterinary care and nutrition, our cats are living longer. Age is not a disease in itself, but it brings with it some conditions that owners of senior kitties need to be aware of. Our Summer News offers some great advice on the signs to watch out for in your senior feline and some changes you should look out for at home. If your senior feline is due their annual check up why not contact our friendly team today for more help and advice.

Dentistry: getting to the root of the problem!

Did you know that dental disease is a very common, but hidden problem? Tooth pain can effect all pets. As with many conditions, the sooner the problem is identified, the sooner treatment can begin and painful tooth loss can hopefully be avoided. The stages of dental disease are explained here in our Summer Newsletter.

Pet Travel Update

At the time of writing this newsletter, we are facing severe travel restrictions as part of the fight against Covid – 19, but we can still dream of a holiday abroad. When things do start to improve later in 2020, you should be able to take advantage of the “transition period” which runs until December 31st 2020. Understand the travel requirements for your pet HERE and don’t forget to check for updates on GOV.UK


Emergency Service

Emergency Service

Pet Healthcare Club

Pet Healthcare Club

Puppy & Kitten Pack

Puppy & Kitten Pack



Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy

Ultrasound & Radiology

Ultrasound & Radiology



Pet Travel

Pet Travel







Safe Anaesthesia

Safe Anaesthesia

Keyhole Surgery

Keyhole Surgery

Young Veterinary Partnership43 The MallEalingW53TJ
"I would give Young Veterinary Partnership 5 stars and totally recommend them" Frances
"Care and attention are consistently outstanding!" Pixie
"Friendly, welcoming, helpful and reasonable price" Becky M
"Perfect service and friendly staff" Sandra
"The best vet practices in west London" Liliana
"Exemplary in every way" Yvonne Dalpra